Is it sunnah to lick fingers & plate after eating?
Is it sunnah to lick fingers & plate after eating? #assim assim al hakeem
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Is it sunnah to lick fingers & plate after eating? #assim assim al hakeem
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My relatives got married without wali, must I tell their marriage is invalid, am I sinful if I don't - assim al hakeem
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Will a man's hajj be affected if he exposes his awrah willingly? #assim assim al hakeem
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Should I always lower my gaze or only if I feel attracted to a woman or when her awrah is uncovered? - assim al hakeem
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My masjid is praying salatul hajah / hajat these days (Friday prayer) is it allowed? - assim al hakeem
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Money transfer fees when transferring zakat be included in zakat or paid separately? - assim al hakeem
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Wants to teach online but must record an intro video to apply, can she in full hijab - assim al hakeem
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Is denying existence of black magic, jinn possession & evil eye, kufr? #assim assim al hakeem
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Reciting Ayat al Kursi after fard grants us Paradise, what about women in menses? assim al hakeem
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Can a woman travel without her male mahram to a city that is 40 - 50 minutes away? #assim al hakeem
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I follow Salaf but my family don't & tell me to become normal, what to do? #assim assim al hakeem
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I flex my muscles, good looks & physique purposely Is this riya (Showing off) #assim assim al hakeem
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Will a marriage have no barakah for a couple who free mixed together before marriage? - assim al hakeem
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Have yellow discharge for 15 days after menses, when should I take ghusl? #assim assim al hakeem
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Married women wearing bangles for husband's protection Hindu religious belief #assim assim al hakeem
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Is repeating a word to mimic a Qari permissible or is it disrespectful to the Quran? - assim al hakeem
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How was Aasiya married to Pharaoh when he was a disbeliever? #assim assim al hakeem
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Boycotting businesses of Isr**l 🇮🇱 Did Prophet boycott J*ws & other enemies of Islam - assim al hakeem
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If I use soap & shampoo while making ghusl, is the ghusl valid? #assim assim al hakeem
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Can a woman wear loose pants & clothes or must she wear an Abaya? #assim assim al hakeem
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