A Muslim in non-Muslim countries court might be asked to place his hand on the Torah or the Bible for oath. He must request to put his hand on the Quran; if his request is rejected then he might place his hand on them. 

Placing One’s Hand on the Torah or the Gospel to Testify under Oath



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The Issue


In order to add more solemnity to the oath, a Muslim may be asked to put his hand on the Torah, the Gospel or the Bible in order to testify under oath before a court of law in a non-Muslim country.




In principle, it is not permissible for a Muslim to place his hand on the Torah or the Gospel. However, if the judicial system in a non-Muslim country requires everyone who is making an oath to place his hand on the Torah, the Gospel or the Bible, the Muslim witness should request that he places his hand on the Qur’an. If his request is refused he is considered to be in a state of compulsion and in this case he may place his hand on either of them or both, without intending this as glorifying them. This is the conclusion arrived at by the Islamic Fiqh Council of the Muslim World League in his Decision 1-5.




The available copies of the Torah and the Gospel are distorted versions. They are definitely not the original versions revealed to Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them). The revelations bestowed from on high to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have superseded all earlier revelations. However, if a Muslim is obliged to place his hand on the Torah or the Bible as a requirement of the judicial system in his country of residence there is no harm in doing so, without intending it as glorification of these books. In this case he is in a state of compulsion, which brings about the relaxation of rules in the case of necessity.




  • Decisions of the Islamic Fiqh Assembly of the Muslim World League.
  • Home page for IslamWeb.net website: www.islamweb.net.


