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Learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | Maintenance


In this Lecture, Sh. Assim Al-Hakeem discusses and explains the Maintenance. This course will cover all the practical rules that every Muslim, man or woman, should know, citing their bases in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

Learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | Offences


In this Lecture, Sh. Assim Al-Hakeem discusses and explains the Rules of Offences in islam.

Learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | Types of heirs according to their inheritance – Part two


In this Lecture, Sh. Assim Al-Hakeem discusses and explains the The waiting period and its purpose. This course will cover all the practical rules that every Muslim, man or woman, should know, citing their bases in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

Learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | Types of heirs according to their inheritance


In this Lecture, Sh. Assim Al-Hakeem discusses and explains the Types of heirs according to their inheritance. This course will cover all the practical rules that every Muslim, man or woman, should know, citing their bases in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

Learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | Q&A


In this Lecture, Sh. Assim Al-Hakeem answering the questions of the followers. This course will cover all the practical rules that every Muslim, man or woman, should know, citing their bases in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

Learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | Child custody


In this Lecture, Sh. Assim Al-Hakeem discusses and explains the Child custody. This course will cover all the practical rules that every Muslim, man or woman, should know, citing their bases in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.



Zakat is an Islamic obligation and one of the five pillars upon which the structure of Islam is built. It is indeed the most important rukn of Islam after prayer.

​Making sujood separately from prayer


Making sujood separately from prayer - Shaikh Assim Al Hakeem.

The signs of the acceptance of dua


The signs of the acceptance of dua.

How can i convince my friends to wear hijab ?


How can i convince my friends to wear hijab ?

Praying two rakat of shukr in daily basis


Praying two rakat of shukr in daily basis.

Tawakkul and asking others for their Du'aa


Tawakkul and asking others for their Du'aa.

Is it a sin to like my friends pictures on social media


Is it a sin to like my friends pictures on social media - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem.

In tayammum is wiping the hands sufficient or do we include the wrists as well?


In tayammum is wiping the hands sufficient or do we include the wrists as well? - Assim al hakeem.

Are gifts from parents included in inheritance that must be divided among siblings?


Are gifts from parents included in inheritance that must be divided among siblings?- Assim al hakeem

Extended Warranty in Islam


Extended Warranty in Islam - Assim al hakeem.

Doubts whether he passed wind or not (Detect sound or smell)


Doubts whether he passed wind or not (Detect sound or smell) - Assim al hakeem.

Is late fee (Fine) or penalty considered as Riba (Interest)?


Is late fee (Fine) or penalty considered as Riba (Interest)? - Assim al hakeem.

Mistake in ruku, did I bend correctly?


Mistake in ruku, did I bend correctly? - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on taking medicines for psychiatric illnesses


Ruling on taking medicines for psychiatric illnesses - Assim al hakeem.
