A brief introduction to the meaning of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), its principles, and The Leading Fiqh Scholars such as Abu Hanifah, Malik, Al-Shafi'i and Ahmad ibn Hanbal. It includes all the practical rules that every Muslim, man or woman, should know, citing their bases in the Qur’an and the Sunnah in an easy and simple way.
Most scholars agree that an illegitimate person cannot be blamed on his parents’ sin. If a man is born outside of wedlock and proposes to a Muslim woman, it is permissible to marry her if he is Muslim with good manners.
God has beautiful names and fine attributes. No one knows Him better than He knows Himself. Therefore, we deny what He has denied of Himself and confirm what He has confirmed in His book and His messenger’s Sunnah.
No one may interpret Islam and how God wants it to be except God Himself, in his book, the Qur’an, and in the Sunnah of the Prophet. No human being has a higher status than God’s Prophet, yet he only delivers what God reveals to him.
Islam in general urges Muslims to avoid using inappropriate language especially during the holy month. In Ramadan it is essential to tell no lies, avoid cursing, not to fight, and show the real essence of Islam.
Itikaf is a sunnah from our prophet (pbuh). It is a term for dedicating oneself to worship Allah by staying in the mosque for the last 10 days of Ramadan. Muslims stay up every night eager to attempt the Night of Power.
There are some acts that invalidate Muslims fasting and they must be aware of. These acts include; to eat, drink, having sexual intercourse, forcing oneself to vomit, cupping, or fasting during menstruation.
Fasting is more than just boycotting food and drinks. There are a lot of hidden messages behind fasting. It is beneficial form of worship that doesn't only redeem your body but also your soul and mind.
Allah the most merciful has exempted some people from fasting in Ramadan. Some cases like; sick, old people, or travelers. And they have to make up for those days later and give compensation to the poor and needy.
What is more important than fasting is forming the intention. Muslims are obliged to form the intention and it must be formed before dawn. If the fasting is voluntary it is acceptable to form it during the day.
Ramadan is a lunar month so its start and end are confirmed by the sighting of the new moon. It requires two acceptable Muslims testifying to the fact, but if no one sees it; Muslims must complete the precedent month.
Fasting is not an act that is meant to torture you. In fact, it is one of the most meaningful forms of worship that Allah has asked us to perform whenever we can. It is the easiest way to see the world differently.
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