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Teaching Prayer for kids

Teaching Prayer for kids

This is the prayer of the Muslims. To be performed five times a day, and not be abandoned in any case. Muslims leave sleeping and work for the sake of performing the prayer on time. It is like the warm hug of the mother to which the little child resort whenever he is frightened. This is the most important thing which the parents have to teach their children. This clip is a simplified description of prayer, it may help the English-speaking Muslim parents to instill the love of prayer in the hearts of their children.

schedule 25/09/2024 remove_red_eye 0
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I Learn How To Pray

I Learn How To Pray

Allah ordained upon the Muslim five prayers in the day and night; they are : 1- Fajr (dawn) prayer. 2- Dhuhr (noon) prayer. 3- β€˜Asr (afternoon) prayer. 4- Maghrib (sunset) prayer 5- 'Isha’ (night) prayer. I Prepare Myself for Prayer. When the time of prayer starts, the Muslim purifies himself from the state of minor impurity, and major impurity if he is in a state of major impurity. *Major impurity is what requires Ghusl (ritual bath). *Minor impurity is what requires Wudu’ (ablution). *The Muslim prays in a clean place free of impurities, wearing clean clothes that conceal his β€˜Awra (body parts that must be covered during prayer). *A Muslim wears proper clothing which covers his body in prayer. A man is not allowed to pray with the area between his navel and knees uncovered. * The woman must cover her whole body in prayer except for her face and hands. * While performing Salah, the Muslim only says the words relevant to Salah, he listens to the Imam (the person leading the congregational prayer), and he does not turn left or right in Salah. If he is unable to memorize the words of Salah, he should mention Allah and glorify Him (by saying 'Subhān Allah') until the prayer ends. He is required to hasten to learn Salah and its words.

schedule 25/09/2024 remove_red_eye 0
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Janazah prayer for a deceased person

Janazah prayer for a deceased person

Janazah prayer is a collective duty. It is performed with the presence of the body of the deceased person in front of the praying people. It consists of standing up, four glorifications, and reciting Al Fatha.

schedule 16/09/2021 remove_red_eye 387
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Friday prayer

Friday prayer

Friday prayer is a duty on all male Muslims. Those who are free, sane, attained puberty, not travelling, have no excuse to miss it. It is performed at the time of Zuhr prayer and it is invalid without a sermon (speech). 

schedule 16/09/2021 remove_red_eye 374
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The call to prayer

The call to prayer

Being a caller to prayer is an honor that shouldn't be granted to anyone. The one who recites Adhan and iqamah to remind all Muslims of their prayers must be honest, sane adult, trustworthy, and have a loud voice.

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 488
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Duties in prayer

Duties in prayer

There are eight duties a Muslim must obey to in prayers, like the glorification. And if they are deliberately omitted, the prayer is invalid. If it is forgotten, it is compensated for by two prostrations at the end. 

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 356
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Conditions for the validity of prayer

Conditions for the validity of prayer

Prayers are the duties of every Muslim with the following conditions: sanity, attaining puberty, purification, appropriate time, covering Awrah (private parts), facing Qiblah, and forming the intention.

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 351
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The Prayer of Eclipse

The Prayer of Eclipse

Praying it is a communal obligation and it must be prayed in congregation and in the masjid. When the eclipse is visible and can be seen by people, the call is made to gather the Muslims in the mosque. 

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 342
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The Prayer for Rain

The Prayer for Rain

Offering prayers for rain (salaat al-istisqa’) is a Sunnah, as confirmed by saheeh hadeeths and the practice of the early generations of Islam.

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 342
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The Prayer

The Prayer

Muslims are asked to meet Allah five times a day through performing Salah or the Islamic Prayers. These five meetings are the main factors for the love of Allah to be granted a happy life and Jannah.

schedule 12/09/2021 remove_red_eye 584
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